Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Episode #2: MajorQuest

Recap: MajorQuest Episode #2 aka DJ Thrillhouse leaves us to our own devices and things slightly fall apart. 

We're stuck in a glass case of emotion. For you.
Sam Gioia joined us this week for an insider scoop to the Bachelor's of Social Work program here at Portland State University. He covers the misconceptions of Social Work, experience (i.e. volunteer work) that the programs looks for to its prospective students, and is put on the spot by Ella to describe what exactly Social Work is! Sam is looking forward to answering any questions about the School of Social Work that might have come to you during the show. I've included his contact information in this post. 

Sam Gioia's Contact Information: 
tel. (503) 725 8470 
e. gioia@pdx.edu
Click HERE to see a picture of Sam!

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple and Pixar recently passed away and we wanted to play a clip from his 2005 Stanford University commencement speech. Here is a link to the youtube clip: Steve Jobs Commencement Speech.
We discussed the path to choosing a major, and I, DJ Nico, shared my story of how I got to be a Women's Studies major. Precious!

Tune in next week (10/17) for our Student Health & Counseling Center mental health check-in (ways to de-stress) as all of you will be making your way into the fourth week of Fall term!

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