Thursday, July 18, 2013

Abel De La Cruz Interview + Trayvon Martin Responce

Today we had Abel De La Cruz on the show.
He shed light on his history as a student, and artist. 
We got to hear real life examples of perseverance from one of our own PSUians.

He's been here for two months now (originally from Salinas, CA).
And he now advises students for PSU's College of the Arts [COTA].
He understands the struggles of first generation students, and those who don't mesh with our educational system, as well as how to persevere through struggles like low GPA, dropping out, and Finances. 
So if that sounds like you, and you need a someone who can empathize, you can find his office in the College of the Arts.

And keep on your radar that in the future, he plans to create a charter school which will hopefully fill gaps that the public education system is missing, and that would have helped kids like him thrive. 

We also responded to the Trayvon Martin Incident that happened last week.
We played a Podcast by Deanatta on Soundcloud. 
He beautifully spoke about the parallels between black america and black Britain.

We also played a YouTube video of 100 black leaders who gathered right before the verdict was announced.
They responded with a message that we must grow from this...
One of our local Portlander's (Jordan Theirry) participated in this convening and said it was divine, because it was unplanned, and perfectly timed. 

Lastly, Please give attention to NAACP and CENJC:

  • Campaign to end the New Jim Crow [CENJC] will be hosting for National Day of Action on Saturday, July 20th at 2 PM. It will be located on 3rd and Main at the Hatfield Federal Courthouse.
  • You can find more info about them at

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