Sunday, March 9, 2014

3/7/2014 - Interview of special guest Taylor Ludtke!

We’re on the homestretch until Spring, guys! Study hard and hang in there!

On today’s show, the crew interviews special guest Taylor Ludtke! Taylor is a Northern California native, who transferred from Humboldt State University to PSU. She works with DJ Great Scott as a  peer adviser here at PSU and her main focus is working with transfer students - Taylor travels to community colleges, holds workshops with transfers students interested in psychology, organizes presentations, and works in the drop-in advising office.
Taylor explains how she got to be a peer adviser and some of the duties she performs as a peer adviser, and also how being a peer adviser has helped her in her college career.
She is currently working on grant writing for sustainability online as her senior capstone (by the way - this may be a great capstone option for those of us who work  a lot and have time constraints).
Fun fact: Taylor is also a contributor to this blog!
Great Scot and Thrill submit Taylor to the dreaded “Bernard Pivot Questionnaire“ (bom-bommmm!).

Also, Thrillhouse explains his epic battles with illness.  Tune in!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Friday, Feb 28th edition

DJ Great Scott is out for today but we still have DJ Trillhouse and boy oh boy has he got some announcements:

Sophomores: Be sure to register starting Monday!

Tuesday March 4th, PSU Community Chorus and University Choir team up to perform in Lincoln Hall, room 75(basement) at 7:30. FREE!

Interested in working in Portland after school is out? Come to our “Careers in the City” work shop. March 4th at 12-1pm in Smith Memorial, room 228. Meet and greet and find out about sweet potential careers in our fair city. FREE!

The fine folks from Advising & Career Services (402 University Services Building)  are offering a ton of workshops for March, including:

Mar 5th 2:30-3:30pm “Networking Workshop” - come learn all the tips and tricks of networking. FREE!

March 5th “Intro to interview workshop” 11-12pm. FREE!

March 6th 11-12:30 Workshop of Internships (interview, search tips, and how to create your own internships). Discussion based workshop. FREE!

March 11th Effective Interviewing 1-3pm. FREE!

March 12th Resume and Cover-Letters workshop. 2:30-3:30pm. FREE!

All these and many more are being held at the Advising & Career Services Center, so stop by, meet the staff, and find out more!

Tune in next week when Great Scott and Trillhouse welcome super student/psychology peer-adviser Taylor Ludtke on the show!