Sunday, May 25, 2014

Special Guest: Super Student Courtney!

On today’s show, special guest/super student Courtney talks about getting a full-ride to PSU, being duel enrolled in high school and PCC through a program called “The Early College High School Program” (for Beaverton students) and “Gateway Academy” (For PPS students)  and how she was able to take college courses during high school for college credit and it’s completely free!

Since commencement is around the corner, the gang plays Amy Poehler’s at commencement speech at Harvard, and then Courtney’s give the Bernard Pivot Questionnaire.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Special birthday blog!

Happy Birthday Thrillhouse!

This week the duo reflect upon life at 32, discuss 2001 Space Odyssey's pantry, and welcome virtual guest Mike Rowe (actually it's just his TED talk... but I mean, come on, it's Mike Row)!

Also - the movie Frozen: not so great after the 57th time. Whaaaaaa???


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hey everybody! Great Scott’s out for today’s pod cast  but we have Thrillhouse and he’s got big announcements for upcoming career related dealeos. 

The All Majors Career Fair is next week, Tues the 6th, 11-3pm in the SMSU Ballroom and it’s a hotspot for all upcoming graduates. There will be over 87 organizations who are interested in meeting YOU, so dress for success and have your resumes ready because this could be the chance of a lifetime. 
You can see the entire list of organizations at Also, this might be a great time to learn about internship opportunities as well.

Also, bunch o’ workshops this month:

Monday the 5th
 “Networking 101” 12-1:00pm (USB 402)
Resume and Cover letter workshop  2:30-3:30  

Wednesday the 7th
 “Meyers Briggs Type Indicator” workshop (Part I) 1-3:00 pm (USB 402)

Tuesday the 13th
Internship Overview 10-11:30am (USB 402)

Wednesday the 14th
“Meyers” (Part II) 1-3:00pm (USB 402)

Thursday the 15th
“Intro to Interview” 11:30-12:30pm (USB 402)


“What can I do with a degree in psychology?” seminar/workshop May 20th at 2 pm  in USB 402.

“What can I do with a degree in Sociology?” seminar/workshop May 21st  at 4 pm in CH 268. 

And check out the Portland Career fair May 29th at 6pm. Be sure to bring 10-15 copies of your resume
And pre-register at the website  

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Special Genie Ellis and internships galore!

Today's special is Genie Ellis - Intern Adviser/Coordinator/Guru from our very own Career and Advising office at PSU! Genie and the gang talk about the new junior cluster course: UNST 399U "Engaging in Social Change". This course is a hybrid course (half internship/half online/ whole lotta awesome) and works for several clusters including knowledge, values, rationality, leading social change, families and society, popular culture, and interpreting the past. Register for it starting this summer!
It's a great deal for students searching for internships and fulfilling a required junior cluster course.

Random little doo-dads of info:
Summer Registration starts MAY 5th.
Fall course schedule is up MONDAY, APRIL 28th.
Last day for 20% course withdrawal refund tomorrow SUNDAY, APRIL 27th.
All majors career and intern fair MAY 6th in SMSU Ballroom (third floor). Stop by Career and Advising services, or visit their website:, before going to the fair so they can get you all prepped and ready for action! (Psst: this website/service is also great for career prep workshops. Check 'em out, and say "Hi" to Thrillhouse while you're there! Room 402, University Services Building)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3/7/2014 - Interview of special guest Taylor Ludtke!

We’re on the homestretch until Spring, guys! Study hard and hang in there!

On today’s show, the crew interviews special guest Taylor Ludtke! Taylor is a Northern California native, who transferred from Humboldt State University to PSU. She works with DJ Great Scott as a  peer adviser here at PSU and her main focus is working with transfer students - Taylor travels to community colleges, holds workshops with transfers students interested in psychology, organizes presentations, and works in the drop-in advising office.
Taylor explains how she got to be a peer adviser and some of the duties she performs as a peer adviser, and also how being a peer adviser has helped her in her college career.
She is currently working on grant writing for sustainability online as her senior capstone (by the way - this may be a great capstone option for those of us who work  a lot and have time constraints).
Fun fact: Taylor is also a contributor to this blog!
Great Scot and Thrill submit Taylor to the dreaded “Bernard Pivot Questionnaire“ (bom-bommmm!).

Also, Thrillhouse explains his epic battles with illness.  Tune in!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Friday, Feb 28th edition

DJ Great Scott is out for today but we still have DJ Trillhouse and boy oh boy has he got some announcements:

Sophomores: Be sure to register starting Monday!

Tuesday March 4th, PSU Community Chorus and University Choir team up to perform in Lincoln Hall, room 75(basement) at 7:30. FREE!

Interested in working in Portland after school is out? Come to our “Careers in the City” work shop. March 4th at 12-1pm in Smith Memorial, room 228. Meet and greet and find out about sweet potential careers in our fair city. FREE!

The fine folks from Advising & Career Services (402 University Services Building)  are offering a ton of workshops for March, including:

Mar 5th 2:30-3:30pm “Networking Workshop” - come learn all the tips and tricks of networking. FREE!

March 5th “Intro to interview workshop” 11-12pm. FREE!

March 6th 11-12:30 Workshop of Internships (interview, search tips, and how to create your own internships). Discussion based workshop. FREE!

March 11th Effective Interviewing 1-3pm. FREE!

March 12th Resume and Cover-Letters workshop. 2:30-3:30pm. FREE!

All these and many more are being held at the Advising & Career Services Center, so stop by, meet the staff, and find out more!

Tune in next week when Great Scott and Trillhouse welcome super student/psychology peer-adviser Taylor Ludtke on the show!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Turntable advising -Valentine's Day edition (Awwwww!)

On this special podcast, the gang swaps Valentine's day stories. (Some they can't really talk about on air...)

Special guest: Ann Mestrovich! -Employer Relations Coordinator for the Advising and Career Services office. Career services offers workshops, resume building and review, etc. Ann talks about how to go about prepping to talk to employers about getting a career. Some students might be surprised to find how many internships and careers pertain to their chosen major. For students who went to the career fairs and were given cards and contact information - FOLLOW UP IMMEDIATELY. Get on linked in. Send a "thank you" email. 

Last week's career fairs where a smashing success!
Weds: Engineer and tech career fair - Awesome turnout. 400-500 students. Employers were really impressed with students, and companies are encouraging students to contact them and apply.

Career fairs are great for networking, finding about internships, practicums, etc. 
Get ready for the spring  career fair in May!

Scott gives a shout out the PSU students in general, "I'm consistently impressed  by the discussion topics, the attitudes, and the work that is being put out." He's using the students in the Pathways to Psychology course as a sample size for the entire PSU student population. "It's really refreshing... kudos to students out there!"

WE ARE HIRING PEER ADVISERS! APPS DUE Feb 21st. Go to link to the obtain the application. Email it directly to Scott or or turn it into the psych dept CH 317.

By the way, the end of next week is the deadline to drop a course (or change your grade)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

2/9/2014 -Show cancelled due to treacherous weather

Hey all,

Due to the weather PSU is locked up and there is no podcast for 2/9/2014 (technically, there is but it's all music tracks - albeit, some sweet music tracks)... Next week though DJ Great Scott and Thrillhouse will be back at cha! Tune in!

Friday, January 31, 2014

1/31's show with special guests, Maia Paluska and Ashley Connors!

On today's show:
Speacial guest, Maia Paluska - Graduate assistant in the psychology department here at PSU. Maia graduated from McKendree University with a psych major. She is currently enrolled in the applied and community psychology graduate program. Maia was an education major but decided to make the switch to psych. She loves psychology and wants to get her PH. D. in Social psychology (Social psychology looks at the influences of groups on an individual's behavior, and the influence of individuals on groups. It has ties to all other fields of psychology). She aspires to have a career as an instructor or in administration, either of which so she is able to work hands-on with students. 

Another special guest, Ashley Connors! Ashley studied mass communications and international business. She now has a successful career in technology sales management in San Francisco. Ashley's word of advice to students: "Be as prepared as possible but also open to opportunity".

The gang talks about "motivation" and what it actually means, whether it's drive, money, being happy with your job, being proud of your work, being confidant at what you do, supporting yourself, feeling like you're making a difference, having the freedom to do multiple things, balance, or all of the above. And the guests are quizzed about their favs and least favs! Tune in!

Also - little things going on around school:
Up coming career fairs: On Feb 12th, The Winter Engineering and Technology Career Faair in the SMSU 3rd floor ballroom.  Feb 13th, All Majors Career Fair, 11-3pm in the SMSU 3rd floor ballroom.
Last week for a 20% percent refund when dropping classes.
and Saturday (tomorrow) is the last day to apply for university scholarships.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Podcast 1/24/2014

Given that it's nearing the end of MLK Jr. week,  DJ Great Scott and special J.R. Tarabocchi (Coordinator for Outreach and Advancement for PSU) listen to one more speech about how non-violence is the most potent weapon:

"Through violence, you may murder a murderer but you cannot murder murder... Through violence, you can murder a liar but you cannot establish truth... Through violence, you can murder a hater but you cannot murder hatred... Darkness cannot put out darkness, only the light can do that." (Martin Luther King Jr, 1967)

J.R. discusses his involvement with local businesses who support PSU, one of which being Joe's Burgers, which has the "Scholarship Burger" contest, where students submit ideas for a delicious burger (try the "Hot Green Viking"!) to go on the menu. Half of the proceeds from the sales of this burger circulate back into PSU to fund student scholarships. Another business that J.R. works with is Zip Car that funds the Student Employee of the Year reward, and offers free driving-credit for students traveling to community service project sites. 

The show ends with a TED talk by Diana Nyad (who swam 100 miles from Cuba to Florida) on the concept of not giving up. What are some of themes we can take from Diana's TED talk that reflect the life of Martin Luther King Jr?

Applications to be a commencement speaker are due by FEB 28th.
The GRAD FAIR is this Tuesday(28th) starting at noon and going until early evening (SMSU 327-8-9) 
SHAC now offers walk-in counseling for students. 
Deadline to drop classes is FEB 23rd (Scott recommends you do this by Friday the 21st because campus is closed on Sunday...) 
SPRING CLASS SCHEDULE will be posted online by FEB 3rd. REGISTRATION begins FEB 17th.
Come to CH 317 and pick up and application to be psychology peer adviser for 2014-15!