Getting into Shape with the Rec Center - Featuring Peter Kramer
Great time with the Coordinator of Rec Clubs, Peter Kramer - Renamed “K-Dog!”

This Rec center video “You Can Play” will show you how nice i mean…
If you want to start a Rec Club group go to room 236 in the Rec center [they like face to face]
Podcast to hear the Show:
DJ’s Great Scott and Thrillhouse will be out of town accepting the The Innovative Program Award by NASPA next Friday!!! & They will be staying in a hotel with the largest indoor/outdoor pool in America. But don't fret, they will have time to call in and tell us how its going.
The topic for next week will be on Student Debt & the Pay it Forward Plan. We hope to have Sami Alloway (a student from the Capstone Class that created the plan) on air next Friday at 3pm in Smith Memorial Student Union, & Streaming World-wide.